We all have a story. Some stories are good, some may be bad, and most probably have a little of both, All stories are worth hearing. Telling a story can make you feel vulnerable. If I tell my story, what will they think? Unfortunately, we tend to judge, or misjudge, people BEFORE we hear their story.
I heard of a woman who judged a friend of her's as being a control freak. She was a hyper-clean freak and made this other woman/friend feel annoyed and crazy. One night, the women were hanging out and the "control freak" began to tell her story. As the story goes, she told of how, as a little girl, she stayed at the hospital while her mother was dying. She continually washed her hands for fear of passing germs on to her mom. There it was! Her story!
We all have a story. Our story may consist of hard times, breakthroughs, God's provision...some of the above or all the above (and then some). Whatever the case, your story can be the very thing that will make the difference in someone else's life.
So go ahead, share your story. It's ok if you reserve to people you trust, but when it all boils down, does it really matter? Share your story. It may be the very thing that will tell of God's grace and goodness. What's your story?!
I like to refer to it as a testimony and I know I will have one when God allows me to see Sophia again after years of not seeing her. I also believe one can have more than one story or testimony!